Then suddenly during its development, the vision shifted.
Read MoreBut one of the great things about having ADHD has been recognizing that my enthusiasm (which is often linked to impulsivity) is also my greatest power for creativity.
Read MoreRather than shaming a person for being themselves, we ought to be celebrating our differences because they make for a livelier, more robust world.
Read MoreIt takes effort to stop the generational trauma that previous adults (whether family or society) laid at the feet of children to walk upon.
Read MoreIn this month of June, a month marked by celebrating diverse identities of all kinds, I think it is important to reflect on how many people (starting in childhood) are told - in one form or another and by various individuals or groups both in their family circles and beyond - that they are "terrible" because they differ from whatever hegemonic norm society says is the pinnacle of societal success.
Read MoreThis, of course, restricts people from being who they are, their authentic selves, and doesn't allow society to embrace the wonderful diversity that humanity has to offer.
Read MoreThe link between scapegoats and narcissism has long been studied.
Read MoreEveryone's experiences, from a 2 year old's to a 102 year old's is equally valid.
Read MoreWe all deserve art and beauty in this world.
Read MoreI don’t want to define myself too precisely as an artist.
Read MoreI guess they don’t agree with the concept of gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art): an artwork, design, or creative process where different art forms are combined to create a single cohesive whole.
Read MoreAge quod agis means “Do what you are doing.”
Read MoreArtistic expression depends on what the goal is for the individual artist rather than a standardized body of study.
Read MorePerhaps that implies that the reverse is also true: a divine gift can be profound bliss.
Read More“As you create, you will naturally improve. Do not wait until you think you are good enough to start. You are always good enough to start improving.”
Read More“I only hope we can use all of our talents and creativity towards peace and love.”
Read MoreIn order to be able to push the boundaries of ART, I have to first push the boundaries of my own art.
Read MoreHowever, when I create a work of art, I tend to follow an intuitive path, allowing the art to take me on its own journey and show me where it wants to go.
Read More"I don't like to write, but I love having written." - Dorothy L. Sayers
Read MoreAnd I stay interested in what I do because I get to change it up.
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