Then suddenly during its development, the vision shifted.
Read MoreEach of these anecdotes reminds me of a quote from a movie by the Kazdan brothers: “Some people think because they are stronger, or meaner, that they can push you around. I've seen a lot of that. But it's only true if you let it be. The world is what you make of it.”
Read MoreAge quod agis means “Do what you are doing.”
Read MorePerhaps that implies that the reverse is also true: a divine gift can be profound bliss.
Read More“As you create, you will naturally improve. Do not wait until you think you are good enough to start. You are always good enough to start improving.”
Read MoreI have been defining more clearly who I am as an artist, and who I want to be as an artist.
Read MoreHowever, when I create a work of art, I tend to follow an intuitive path, allowing the art to take me on its own journey and show me where it wants to go.
Read MoreIn that moment I felt a cleansing of my heart and my spirit.
Read MoreSetting healthy boundaries is often seen as “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, as I was recently reminded during a family disagreement.
Read MoreI kept looking to others to define me for me. And they did define me - but for themselves: in their image of me, or the image of who I should be, or of who they would want to be if they were doing what I was doing.
Read MoreAnd I saw all of that in me and I saw all of me in the quilt. And that's how it got its un-name. It's an untitled piece because it simply exists.
Read MoreThis piece I’m working on has a strong voice, as most of my art quilts do.
Read MoreSometimes the things we have to overcome to make our art are not the things we expected to have to overcome.
Read MoreKnowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. - Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
Read More“A plague is always a moral as well as biological crisis for a community. It allows no individuals; it makes all people a community and emphasizes human relationships.”
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