Then suddenly during its development, the vision shifted.
Read MoreBut one of the great things about having ADHD has been recognizing that my enthusiasm (which is often linked to impulsivity) is also my greatest power for creativity.
Read MoreWe all deserve art and beauty in this world.
Read MoreI guess they don’t agree with the concept of gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art): an artwork, design, or creative process where different art forms are combined to create a single cohesive whole.
Read MoreAge quod agis means “Do what you are doing.”
Read MoreArtistic expression depends on what the goal is for the individual artist rather than a standardized body of study.
Read More“As you create, you will naturally improve. Do not wait until you think you are good enough to start. You are always good enough to start improving.”
Read More“I only hope we can use all of our talents and creativity towards peace and love.”
Read MoreIn order to be able to push the boundaries of ART, I have to first push the boundaries of my own art.
Read More"I don't like to write, but I love having written." - Dorothy L. Sayers
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