On the Phrases in "Shame & Redemption" - Part 4

I continue my work on my ouvre "Shame & Redemption."

So many times children, and continuing into adulthood, are shamed for who they are, how they behave (in general), and how they interact with others in society. Many people tell children, teens, and even adults that their behaviors or ways of being are an inconvenience to other individuals and disrupts the "norms" of society. They are told what they "should" do, what they "ought" to do, and what they "mustn't" do.

This, of course, restricts people from being who they are, their authentic selves, and doesn't allow society to embrace the wonderful diversity that humanity has to offer. (I am not suggesting we shouldn't have some structural expectations in society. But certainly we can have structure and *still* let people express who they are in a healthy manner.)

I counter these restrictions with the self-redemptive phrase, "Time to be my FAVORITE SELF!" Much of society might not celebrate who we are, but we need to celebrate ourselves. In giving that freedom of expression to ourselves, we undoubtedly can extend that to others.

So go on and celebrate being your favorite self!