On Age Quod Agis

Age quod agis means “Do what you are doing.”

As a fabric artist, although I love what I do, I have to admit that I don't always enjoy the journey. There are many tedious tasks involved, such as math, and cutting, and careful and precise stitching. It is hard and slow work, it is stressful, and I stab myself with pins a lot.

I wonder how many others feel the same way as I do: I am not always as excited about “the doing” of things as much as I am about “the having done” them. For example, when traveling I don't enjoy driving as much as I like arriving at my destination and then being there for a while. I don't like cleaning, but I like a clean house. I don't like cooking, but I like having eaten a delicious home-cooked meal. Unfortunately, since I am not an independently wealthy socialite, I must do the things before I get to reap my enjoyment of them. So, I clean the house, I cook the meal, and I drive to where I need to go.

But one of the things I enjoy about “the doing” of my art is the discipline it takes to finalize a beautiful or impactful artwork of which I am immensely proud to have accomplished. I love seeing what I have made, what it signifies, and the beauty it brings to my life and that of others.

The journey may be difficult, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright annoying. And yet the personal reward is so wonderful that I do what I need to do to get to my goal.