On Knowing Myself

I’ve been thinking about this chapter in Tao Te Ching for some time now:

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. - Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Ch. 33

When I was a young adult I thought power meant overcoming others. But as we all know, with age comes wisdom.

Knowing and understanding myself is where my true power lies, as a person and as an artist.

I helps me to know my boundaries and my limits, my path and my interests, to learn from my failures and to celebrate even the smallest of successes.

It helps me to be the creator of my destiny: to know when to stand strong and firm against the blustering winds of life, but also to know when to be supple and bend and sway so I do not break.

It helps me pick my battles, and know how much strength to use in them. It helps me be fulfilled, content, and create my own happiness..