On Taking Stock

Looking back through my notes from the past couple of months, I see I have actually accomplished much more than I had realized!

I, as many others do, tend to either not count or discount my accomplishments because I have the urge to always be “there” instead of “here.” I had a teacher once help me understand that “here” was once a “there” and “there” will soon be “here.” I have learned to appreciate the journey, for sure - even more than the destination. Now that has created another issue for me: I am seemingly in pursuit of the journey, onto the next thing and not appreciating what I have done. It seems to be a constant balance.

So what have I accomplished since March 30, 2019?

  • Completed three major works of art

  • Completely redesigned website

  • Designed and ordered professional labels

  • Designed and ordered business cards

  • Increased social media presence

  • Created LLC

  • Purchased and learned how to use a new digital machine

  • Started an Etsy shop

Once I saw what I have accomplished recently I felt more appreciative of my work and forward movement.

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