On Never Apologizing for Your Art

We went to the Phoenix Art Museum just the other day. It was fantastic, as always. They have a good selection of art in their exhibits. I like the religious art as well as the modern art; the interactive art and the visiting artists.

Of course, some of the modern art is different, unique, and some might think it is weird. I like it. I like the way modern art explores space and emotions, emotions in space, and space within emotion. I like the use of color...or not. I like the three-dimensionality of some modern art, even when it is composed on a two-dimensional surface such as a painted canvas.

But mostly I like the the way modern artists are unapologetic for their art. They have something to say. Perhaps it is unconventional, or new, or brazen. But they are going to say it. And if someone doesn't like it, they don't have to listen. But no one can silence the artists' voices. I love that. I love that their ultimate message is "Never apologize for your art." Yes, I love that.

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