On Finding My Feet

I have been a David Bowie fan since I was in high school. His slightly rebellious and non-conformist streak led him to explore his own vast creative side, sometimes taking risks, often perceived as being a bit on the weird side, and always moving forward to his next thing. His successes led him to great happiness in his career and to have the opportunities of collaborating with other fantastic musicians.

He once remarked on the direction of his creative path:  "Ah, I'm getting it, I'm finding my feet. I'm starting to communicate what I want to do. Now: what is it I want to do?'..."

I love this statement because it is the same as I have felt. I know I am doing what I love and I know I am heading in the right direction. As I've stated before, this is a vocation: a calling, a strong suitability, my raison d'etre. And now I am starting to find my feet. I, too, am starting to communicate what I want to do. But what exactly that is, I haven't pinpointed.

I have so many options in front of me: I come up with new ideas to explore and new art to create every day. I am not at a loss for creativity. I haven't yet found "the one style" I want to be known for, but I don't think I need to. Maybe I will someday, or maybe I will keep pursuing a variety of the creative the avenues that exist.

To quote another Bowie gem, "I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring."

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