On My Current Art Quilt

I have been slowly working on this Rothko-inspired abstract quilt and am enjoying watching it take shape.

A lot of times when I am creating an art quilt I know what it will look like when it is completed. Sometimes I have to meditate on the quilting, or there is a technical aspect that I need to get a handle on before I finish it. But I can pretty much picture the finished work in my mind.

This piece, on the other hand, is more unusual. I only have a vague idea of what it will look like as I create it. I know where I am heading with it; I know how I will build it; I even know how I will quilt it, including the thread colors I will be using and where on the quilt.

But it is so abstract and so different from all of my other work that I cannot picture the completed piece in my mind. Instead, I am trusting the art to create itself. I wish I could articulate better the tremendous sense of calm I feel as I work on this. I think Mark Rothko would approve.