On Traveling Far
“You have travelled far to get here, and I sense much travel ahead for you.” - Brother Tsuru, Pirate 101
(I never thought I’d be quoting from a video game, but here I am.)
Last night, I had the opportunity to talk with John about my art journey so far and where I am headed. Since leaving behind the financial and social stability of a professional career to pursue this path, I’ve had many ups and downs, stops and starts, days filled with emotional energy, and others with exhaustion.
Coincidentally, I started perimenopause (it has been hell) at just around the same time I left my former career and we became complete empty-nesters at that time too (I cried…a lot). So a lot of major events all at once. But I’ve had good, solid support, friendship, and partnership throughout it all.
Today I feel like I (and my art!) have come very far in the last 3 years. I’ve grown and changed both as a person and as an artist. I love it. I have so much farther to go, too, but I’m not scared or intimidated or worried. There will be challenges, of course, with more ups and downs, stops and starts, days filled with emotional energy and others with existential exhaustion, just as there already have been. But I know I’ll be fine because I’ve weathered those fluctuations so far. I am looking forward to the future with open arms and confidence.