On Celebrating What I Already Have
As humans, we are biologically “hard-wired” to pay stronger attention to our negative experiences because that helps us learn and grow, as well as protects us from real or potential dangers and harm. It's a survival mechanism.
But, in our society today it becomes all too easy to see all the things that are missing in our lives instead of seeing what we have. I will always have “less” than I have “more.” There will always be something I want or even need that I don't have.
But if I only thought about what I lack in my life I would stay miserable and angry.
So, I balance my desires with recognizing and celebrating what I already have. One of the things I have learned to do is to count each and every one of my blessings every single day.
That doesn't stop me from growing, learning, pursuing, and reaching. In fact, by taking stock of what I have, it helps me achieve more of what I want.
These are my greatest Christmas gifts I give to myself: counting my blessings, patience, kindness, and compassion.