On Artistic Inspiration
A common theme to my thoughts and things I have learned as of late has been about accepting my art for what it is. I still fight with myself about its acceptance by others. I still have to convince myself it is valuable.
Even though I don’t always feel my art is accepted by a lot of people, I am still inspired to create it. Each piece I make wants to be created. It’s almost as though it demands to be created.
I wonder what it is like to live under a regime that tries to suppress art, works of art, artists, intellectuals, thinkers, scientists, etc. I think frustrating is too mild a description. I think, too, art always finds a way, like nature does. Art is part of nature because we are part of nature. And I think of all the literature I have read, and the characters - whether fictional or real - find a way. A condemned book always finds a way. An artist is jailed but their work still finds a way. And I realize, artistic inspiration cannot be suppressed! It will find a way.