On Comfort Zones
"It's OK if you're interested in creating only small art quilts or love to build large blankets or have mixed eclectic tastes! Don't feel pressured to produce something that fits in someone else's comfort zone."
When I was first learning how to quilt back in 2006, my instructor encouraged me to work within my comfort zone, whether technically or artistically, and not worry about trying to fit into someone else's expectations.
She was an interesting woman herself: she owned a quilt shop and produced magnificent bed quilts, had four school-aged kids, and was married to an engineer. She loved Metallica and wore her grey hair in a permed mullet.
She encouraged me to produce the type of artwork I liked, regardless of what the small community found acceptable. She advised me to work at my current technical level but to challenge myself to try a new or more difficult technique (as long as my machine could do it) every time I quilted.
Thank you for coming along with me on my art journey. For me, quilting isn't a passion...it's a vocation.