QUICK TIP: What to do with your used sewing machine needles

It used to be that whenever I had to change my needle on my machine (some quilters recommend changing your needle every 4 hours of sewing), I threw it away. But not anymore!

Now, I keep them for other uses. First, I use a marker (like a Sharpie) to color the shank end of the needle a distinct color that will remind me that it is a used needle.


I color the shank of my used machine needles with a black Sharpie so I know they are used.


When Iā€™m ready to hang one of my art quilts, I use the needle as a nail. It is thin, so it leaves a smaller hole in the wall, but it is still strong enough to hold up most of my art quilts. I use two for my double-hang method.

You can also use them in your art projects in some creative manner! Reduce, recycle, reuse!

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