On Our Current Societal Crisis

I am getting back to my current art quilt after a hiatus, due to the societal crisis this country, and the world by extension, has been facing. These are the thoughts and conversations I've had this past week:

To set right the past, we must create a different future.

We can never go back in time to right the wrongs that were done, either on a personal or a societal level. The only way we can change the past is by creating a better future for everyone, especially for those who have been wronged for so long. Theirs is the longest, most arduous and pained path that deserves the kindest healing.

We cannot and must not accept the status quo simply because it is the path of least resistance. We must have courage of mind, body, and spirit to make the absolute necessary changes for a healthy future.

We must no longer accept words of apology without also seeing changes in behavior. It starts and ends with us because we make the society we live in. We vote for the people from our own society to represent us and to make decisions that affect everyone's lives on a daily basis. We raise our children to be the leaders, decision-makers, and societal members of tomorrow.

We cannot continue to "pass the buck" to another entity or group and make it their responsibility to make significant change simply because it is too difficult, scary, or threatens our lifestyle. It is on us. It is our responsibility. Ill societal health is affecting all of us.

We must rid ourselves of the idea that other people's feelings are not our responsibility. If we are willing to take credit for making someone feel good, we must also be held accountable for when we make someone feel badly.

We must choose reason over appetite; to act rather than react; thoughtfulness and carefulness rather than impulsivity and carelessness; maturity over immaturity.

I wish us well. I look forward to us creating a world without hate, bigotry, or incendiary vitriol.